One-day EMC seminars provide an opportunity to go into more depth, than do multi-day seminars, and cover only a single topic.  Each topic listed below can be presented as a one-day seminar.  These are usually presented in-plant at your location (within the continental US).  Occasionally we also present some of them as public seminars.

Call us for details and scheduling.

Partitioning & Layout of Mixed-Signal PCBs

  Preventing digital logic currents from contaminating low-level analog signals on a mixed-signal PCB can be a difficult problem, especially on boards with multiple ADCs. This one-day seminar looks at the various approaches for dealing with this problem. The advantages as well as the pitfalls of split ground planes are examined.  The presentation concludes that component placement, partitioning, proper PCB topology, and routing didciplin are the keys to success.  Outline of Partitioning & Layout of Mixed-Signal PCBs.

EMC Systems Design Workshop

 This one-day workshop discusses the systems approach to EMC design and takes the participants through the EMC design of a product from start to finish  A hypothetical digital product is used as the workshop example. It is desirable, but not required, for participants to have some basis EMC design background.  Outline of EMC Systems Design Workshop.

Antenna Theory Simplified

If you would like to understand how antennas work, but lack the time or desire to study the intimidating mathematics normally associated with antenna theory - this course is for you. Circuit theory (instead of field theory) is used to analyize antenna operation.  This produces simple but accurate circuit theory models that gives the participants an intuitive understanding of antenna operation. .  Outline of Antenna Theory Simplified Seminar.

Cabling and Grounding

EMC systems considerations as well as the basic EMC subjects of cabling and grounding are covered.  Emphasis is on applying the systems approach to EMC early in the design.  Cable coupling mechanisms, and the importance of cable shield terminations are discussed.  The purpose of grounding, as well as an EMC grounding philosophy are presented.  Outline of Cabling and Grounding Seminar.

Basic Digital Design

The EMC concerns for  digital logic systems operating with clock frequencies up to a few hundred MHz are covered.  Important design parameters and printed circuit board layout features, including the characteristics of different ground structures and various methods of decoupling are discussed.  In addition, models are developed for both differential-mode and common-mode emission mechanisms.  Other topics include transmission line matching and radiation, and the use of an ãimage planeä to reduce radiated emissions. Outline of Basic Digital Design Seminar.

Decoupling & Grounding of High-Speed Digital Circuits

Covers the mechanisms by which digital logic circuits generate power supply noise, and the effectiveness and limitations of the various approaches to decoupling and grounding.  New technology to overcome the limitations of traditional decoupling methods will be discussed.  The characteristics of ground planes, the significance of ground voltage drop, and methods of minimizing it are also discussed.  This seminar duplicates some material found in the Basic Digital Design seminar.  Outline of Decoupling and Grounding of High Speed Digital Circuits Seminar.

Common-Mode Filter Design

Explains why common-mode filter design is different than differential-mode filter design.  Filters are designed using the graphical attenuation method.  This graphical method allows the designer to calculate and understand the effects of varying load and source impedances, and to design complex filters one stage at a time.  Another advantage of this method is the ease in which parasitic and complex component characteristics can be handled.  Outline of Common-Mode Filter Design Seminar.

EMC Considerations in PCB Design and Layout

Covers EMC considerations for digital printed circuit board design & layout.  This seminar is intended for PCB design and layout personnel.  Layout and routing techniques aimed at minimizing both radiated and conducted emission are discussed.  Multilayer boards will  be emphasized.  Outline of EMC Considerations in PCB Design and Layout Seminar.

EMC Considerations in Switching Power Supply Design

Covers radiated and conducted emission problems associated with the design of switching power supplies. Electric and magnetic field coupling mechanisms are developed. Radiated and conducted emissions models are discussed, as well as methods of emission control.  Outline of EMC Considerations in Switching Power Supply Design Seminar.

Analog Design and Layout

Covers methods and techniques to minimize the susceptibility of low level analog circuits.  Printed circuit board layout, power distribution, power supply bypassing, and grounding are covered.  Shielding, guarding, non-linear effects, and resonance effects are also discussed.  Emphasis is on increasing the immunity of low frequency, low level analog circuits.  High frequency analog circuit and grounding and layout are also covered. Outline of Analog  Design and Layout Seminar.


Discusses the proper design of shielded enclosures and how shielding effectiveness varies with the choice of shield material.  The effects of surface finish and corrosion are also discussed.  Considerable time is spent on the proper design of apertures in order to minimize the leakage that they produce.  Cooling holes, seams, and other apertures are covered.  Finally, the effect of cable penetrations, cable shielding, and cable terminations on the overall shielding effectiveness are explained  This seminar is primarily intended for mechanical engineers and physical designers. Outline of Shielding Seminar.

Electronic Packaging

EMC aspects of electronic packaging is intended for the mechanical and packaging engineer.  Emphasis is on proper shielding and enclosure design.  In addition, the subjects of cabling, cable shielding, and electrostatic discharge protection are discussed.  This seminar is primarily intended for mechanical engineers and physical designers.  This seminar duplicates some material found in the Shielding and the ESD Protection in Equipment Design seminars.  Outline of Electronic Packaging  Seminar.

EMC Diagnostics and Fixes

 Discusses fixes to EMC problems that must be corrected in the late stages of a productâs development.  The speed that the fix can be implemented is emphasized over the cost of the changes.  Diagnostic techniques to determine the necessary solutions are also covered.  Fixes for both radiated and conducted emission problems are presented. Outline of EMC Diagnostics and Fixes Seminar.

Workbench EMC Measurements

This seminar covers simple EMC measurements that designers can use in their own lab, without the need for an elaborate EMC test facility.  Measurements can be used to estimate or predict the EMC performance of a product. Outline of Workbench EMC Measurement Seminar.

High Frequency Measurement Techniques

Covers proper high frequency measurement techniques and philosophy.  Special attention is paid to high frequency scope probe effects, current probes, and pickup loops.  Proper measurement techniques and inexpensive, easy to build, high frequency probes are described.  About 50% of the class time is spent doing experiments and demonstrations.  The instructor for this course is Doug Smith, author of the book High Frequency Measurements and Noise in Electronic Circuits This seminar is also offered in a two day format, with additional demonstrations and more indepth discussion of the various techniques.  Outline of High Frequency Measurement Techniques Seminar.

EMC Project Management (1/2 Day seminar)

 Focuses on the relationship between cost and the EMC management approach used.  Various EMC design methodologies are covered.  The EMC obligations of developers and manufacturers are discussed  as well as the importance of management providing strong support for early EMC considerations.  Emphasis is placed on the relationship between EMC and quality.  Review of EMC regulations and standards.  Outline of EMC Project Management Seminar.

ESD Protection in Equipment Design

 The basic physics of electrostatics, as well as electrostatic discharge models, coupling mechanisms, and protection methods will be discussed.  The electrostatic discharge protection methods covered include: mechanical design, cabling, control panels and keyboards, printed circuit board design, circuit design, and software design.  Outline of ESD Protection in Equipment Design Seminar.

ESD Control in the Workplace

This seminar takes the mystery out of ESD control in the workplace (factory, development lab, or office).  The basic physics of electrostatics, static generation and discharge models, coupling mechanisms, and environmental control, and monitoring methods are discussed and demonstrated.  Outline of ESD Control in the Workplace Seminar.

EMC Aspects of High-Speed ASIC Design

 The basic principles of EMC control and how they apply to application specific integrated circuit (ASIC) design will be discussed.  The sources and mechanisms of digital logic noise and radiation will be explained and various noise reduction techniques examined.  Methods for measuring IC radiation will also be covered.  Outline of EMC Aspects of High-Speed ASIC Design Seminar.

Advanced Digital Design and Signal Integrity

This one-day seminar covers advanced EMC and Signal Integrity concerns for digital logic systems operating with clock frequencies from several hundred  MHz up to a few GHz.  Signal Integrity issues such as ringing, delay, clock skew, crosstalk, the affect of vias, and PCB trace bandwidth are all discussed.  Major topics are: High Speed Design Issues, Transmission Lines, Signal Integrity, and High Density Interconnect. Outline of Advanced Digital Design and Signal Integrity.

The Changing Regulatory Environment

This one-day seminar covers both FCC and European Union (EU) EMC Regulations.  The current EMC regulations are explained and discussed.  May also be presented as a half day seminar covering either FCC or EU regulations.  Outline of The Changing Regulatory Environment Seminar.

Other Special Topics

The one-day seminar topics listed above are those that we present most often.  However, we do have courses on other specialized topics.  If you have the need for a special EMC seminar, on a topic not listed above, contact us to see if we already have something that will satisfy your needs.

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Henry Ott Consultants
48 Baker Road Livingston, NJ 07039
Phone: 973-992-1793,   FAX: 973-533-1442
email: hott@ieee.org
June 6, 2016 (jw)