Antenna Theory Simplified (New For 2004)

 Why is Henry Ott Consultants (an EMC training and consulting organization) offering a course on Antenna Theory?  Well, if a product, or PCB, or cable radiates or is susceptible to electromagnetic energy, it is acting as an antenna. Besides, antennas are used in EMC testing, both emission and susceptibility.  In all these cases an understanding of some basic antenna theory would be very useful to the engineer or technician.  However, the way that antenna theory is taught in schools and universities - it is too theoretical and abstract to be very helpful.  Hence our course, Antenna Theory Simplified.

So, if you would like to understand how antennas work, but lack the time and/or desire to study the intimidating mathematics normally associated with antenna theory, this one-day seminar is for you!  Transmitting and receiving antennas are analyzed using circuit theory to furnish the practicing engineer or technician with an intuitive understanding of antenna operation.  Transmission line theory combined with the theory of partial inductance are used to develop simple and accurate circuit theory models of dipole and loop antennas.  These models are validated by comparing them to the known field theory results.

Participants will, possibly for the first time, understand and may even enjoy antenna theory.  This course is intended for engineers, technicians, regulatory compliance engineers, and managers who need a working knowledge as to how antennas work.  The only prerequisite is a basic understanding of electrical circuit analysis.

This course will be especially useful to EMC test technicians and engineers who work with antennas daily doing EMC testing.  They will go away with a good understanding of the characteristics as well as the advantages and limitations of different types of antennas used for EMC testing.  EMC test lab personnel, as well as others familiar with antennas, will find this course provides the opportunity for obtaining  antenna theory refresher training.


Circuit Theory Approach

Basic Concepts
Characteristics of Antennas
Applicability of Results
Circuit Theory Versus Field Theory

Transmission Lines

Equivalent Circuit of a Two-Wire Transmission Line
Theory of Partial Inductance
Transmission Line Input Impedance
Circuit Model Equations Versus Transmission Line Equations
From Transmission Line to Antenna

The Dipole Antenna

The Basic Dipole
Impedance of an Open Circuit Transmission Line
Current Distribution on a Dipole
Equivalent Circuit of a Dipole
Coupling Between Two Dipoles
Effective Height of a Dipole
Dipole Radiation Resistance
Impedance of a Dipole
Comparison With Schelkunoff's Mode Theory
Q of a Dipole
Broadbanding a Dipole
Impedance of a Monopole

The Loop Antenna

The Basic Loop
Impedance of an Short Circuit Transmission Line
Equivalent Circuit of a Loop
Coupling Between Two Loops
Loop Radiation Resistance
Comparison to Foster's Formula
Impedance of a Loop
Current Distribution in a Loop
Coupling Between Two Loops
Characteristics of Small Loops
The Small Dipole Versus Small Loop

Resonant Antennas

The Resonant Dipole
Resonance Verses Tuned Antennas
The Center Fed Dipole
Off Center Fed Dipoles

Simplified Field Theory Results

Fields Produced by a Transmitting Dipole
Equivalent Circuit of a Receiving Dipole
Field Theory of Loop Antennas
Fields Produced by a Transmitting Loop
Equivalent Circuit of a Receiving Loop

Coupling Energy to an Antenna

Antenna Feed Lines

Other Antenna Structures of Interest

Capacitively Loaded Dipoles/Monopoles
Inductive Loading
The Trap Dipole
The Isotropic Radiator
Log Periodic
Bow Tie
Frequency Independent Antennas

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Henry Ott Consultants
48 Baker Road Livingston, NJ 07039
Phone: 973-992-1793,   FAX: 973-533-1442

December 5, 2003