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Electromagnetic Compatibility Consulting and Training

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Henry Ott Consultants
Comfy_chairhas closed its doors as of January 1, 2019.

After 39 years of EMC training and consulting, plus an additional 30 years as a Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff at Bell Labs, Mr. Ott has decided to retire. We cannot fully express our gratitude for your support
of Henry Ott Consultants over the years.

We are currently planning on keeping this website up and updating it with useful EMC information, but will no longer be available for consulting or training in 2019 and beyond.

Thank you for 39 wonderful years!

Henry Ott Consultants is a consulting organization specializing in the field of Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) and Signal Integrity (SI). We offer consulting on the development of products and regulatory compliance.  We have been providing these services to the EMC community for over 35 years.

For more information on any of our services, click on the appropriate subject in the left-hand column.

> Book 

Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering

Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering - Cover A new book by the author of the most popular book on Electromagnetic Compatibility  (Noise Reduction Techniques in Electronic Systems) reflects all the latest advances and  developments in the field.

 Author: Henry W. Ott
 872 Pages, Hardcover
 Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
 August 2009
 ISBN: 978-0-470-18930-6

"The best [book] on EMC yet published."
                                              -- The late Dr. Clayton R. Paul (1942-2012)

> Academy Award for Books

The Association of American Publishers has awarded John Wiley & Sons the 2009 Publishers Association "PROSE Award" for publishing excellence in the field of Engineeering and Technology, for the publication of "Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering" by Henry W. Ott.

>What is EMC?:

Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) is the ability of a device, product, or system to operate properly in its intended electromagnetic environment, without degradation and without being a source of interference.


Although the material contained on this web site is believed to be accurate; Henry W. Ott and Henry Ott Consultants make no warrantees with respect to use of the information for any purpose.  Henry W. Ott and Henry Ott Consultants disclaim all obligations and liabilities for damage, direct or indirect, arising out of or in connection with the use of the information contained on this site. "As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases."

For problems and/or comments regarding this web site contact the webmaster.

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Henry Ott Consultants
48 Baker Road Livingston, NJ 07039
Fax: 973-533-1442
email: hott@ieee.org

January 23, 2019 (jw)