Henry W. Ott PhotoHenry Ott Consultants

Electromagnetic Compatibility Consulting and Training

Feedback From Recent Participants

"The seminar was outstanding and worth every penny."

"This is the best job-sponsored course on any subject that I have ever taken."

"Time extremely well spent."

"We need to have more seminars like this."

"Mr. Ott knows his stuff and makes it interesting with analogies and anecdotes."

"Seminars like this are rare gems – need more of them."

"The instructor clearly has a superior knowledge of the material & excellent presentation skills.  Please let's have him back for more concentrated seminars."

"I found this to be one of the most useful seminars that I have taken in my 30-year engineering career."

"Mr. Ott made the content easy to understand for ME's."


"Great presentation.  Expect large pay-off for new design."

"Thank you.  The best short course that I have taken (in 12 years)."

"Thank you for your professional presentation."

"Great seminar."

"I gained a great deal of benefit from the EMC class that you presented here at [company].  Your presentation style and common sense approach to solving EMC problems really drove EMC home for me."

"Awesome perspective on EMC."

In-Plant EMC Training Seminars

EMC ClassWe offer both one-day and multi-day EMC seminars that are presented at your location (within the continental US).  What is the difference between the two? Multi-day seminars cover a multiplicity of topics, whereas a one-day seminar covers only one topic, but in more depth.

There is also another difference between these two types of seminars, and that relates to how the course material is packaged.  Due to the increase in topics covered, the multi-day seminar notes for each participant are placed in a 3-ring binder and a copy of the book Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering, by Henry W. Ott is also included for each person attending the seminar. 

Since  people normally attend many of our one-day seminars, we do not include a copy of the book with each one-day seminar.  For similar reasons the notes for the one-day seminars are not placed in a binder, but just stapled together.

Hopefully, you now have a clearer sense of whether your training needs will be satisfied by a one-day or multi-day seminar.  We are always happy to answer any questions that you may have regarding our various course offerings, and we will work with you to present a class that will fulfill your training needs


 Multi-Day EMC Seminars

Each multi-day EMC seminars covers a number of EMC topics. They are organized as 1-1/2 hour modules that can be combined with others to create an overall look at the subject of EMC. There are currently 17 such modules that can be "mixed & matched" to create either a two-day or three-day seminar.  If you have not had EMC training before, a multi-day seminar is the ideal place for you to start. Most clients start with a multi-day seminar which can then be followed with additional one-day seminars as needed on the specific topics of interest.  For more information on multi-day seminars click on the Multi-Day title above.   

One-Day EMC Seminars

One-day seminars provide a method of going into more depth on a single topic. For example, a multi-day seminar spends 1-1/2 hours on shielding whereas the one-day Shielding course spends all day on the subject. All of the subjects presented in the multi-day seminars are available as one-day seminars.  In addition, many specialized topics (e.g., EMC Aspects of ASIC Design, PCB Layout etc.) not covered in the multi-day seminars are also available as one-day seminars.  There are presently twenty one-day seminars that we regularly present.  Occasionally some of the one-day topics will be offered in the form of a public seminar. Most companies start their EMC training with a Multi-day seminar and then follow it with one or more one-day seminars on subjects of particular interest to them.   For more information on one-day seminars click on the One-Day title above.

Public EMC Training Courses

If you don't have enough people to justify an in-plant seminar at your location, you might want to consider a public EMC course.  Public EMC courses are usually offered twice a year.  On the east coast in the spring and on the west coast in the fall.  This allows engineers at companies that do not have enough people interested in EMC to justify an in-plant seminar the opportunity to receive EMC training via the public courses.  For more information and for the dates for the next available public EMC course click on the link above.

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Henry Ott Consultants
48 Baker Road, Livingston, NJ 07039
Phone: 973-992-1793, Fax: 973-533-1442
email: hott@ieee.org

June 6, 2016 (jw)