Multi-Day EMC Seminars

These two or three day seminars are similar to the three-day public seminar.  However, they are  presented at your location (within the continental US) and cover the practical aspects of noise and interference control in electronic systems.  Cost effective EMC design, and the importance of the systems approach early in the design are stressed.

Each module listed below is presented in a 1-1/2 hour session. Four modules can be presented in one day.  You, therefore, can pick and choose the modules that are of most interest to your group.  Cabling,  Shielding, and Grounding of Mixed Signal PCBs can be expanded and presented as double sessions (3 hours).

A two day seminar will consist of eight (8) modules, whereas a three day seminar will consist of twelve (12) modules.

 The multi-day seminar notes for each participant are placed in a 3-ring binder and a copy of the book Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering, by Henry W. Ott is included for each person attending the seminar.

  EMC Training and Product Review:  You may want to consider combining one of our multi-day EMC training sessions with a half- or one-day of EMC consulting.  After learning the important principles of EMC, apply them by  sitting down with the instructor for a one-on-one EMC review of your product.

Cabling (may be expanded to a double session)*

Grounding Principles*

Shielding (may be expanded to a double session)*

Unintentional Antennas*

Digital Circuit Layout and Grounding*

High Speed Digital Decoupling*

Digital Circuit Emission Modeling*

Common-Mode Filters*

The above is the standard two day seminar offering (substitutions may be made, however, to meet the clients needs)

Additional Topics:  May be substituted for any of the above, or added to the above topics for a three day seminar.

Audio Cabling & Interconnection (double session)

Similar to Cabling, but emphasing audio and low-frequency applications.

Equipment Grounding

Grounding and Layout of Mixed-Signal PCBs (may be expanded to a double session)

Transmission Lines*

RF and Transient Immunity*

Conducted Emission (AC Power Line)*

Low Freq. Analog Circuit Design

System Considerations

ESD Immunity

Pre-Compliance EMC Measurements (Emissions)

Product Design Review

An additional half to full day can be dedicated to an EMC review of your specific product or system design(s).

* Standard three-day seminar, cabling is presented as a double session.

The above recommendations represents our standard three day offering, however, if  you prefer a different combination of subjects that can be accommodated, just pick any twelve modules from the above listed subjects to form your own customized three day seminar.

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Henry Ott Consultants
48 Baker Road Livingston, NJ 07039
Phone: 973-992-1793,   FAX: 973-533-1442

June 6, 2016 (jw)