HWOHenry Ott Consultants

Electromagnetic Compatibility Consulting and Training



University Grant Program

Other Resources

Electromagnetic Compatibility Engineering in the Classroom

Instructor Resources

Sample Syllabus

Session 1
Overview of Chapter 18 - Precompliance EMC Measurements
All Sections
Used as reference for course lab work
Session 2
Appendix A - The Decibel
Chapter 1 - Electromagnetic Compatibility
All Sections

Session 3
Chapter 1 (continued)
All Sections
Session 4 Instructor provided material on Conductors & Inductance

Session 5 Chapter 2 - Cabling
Sections 2.1-2.4, 2.11-2.17
Session 6 Chapter 3 - Grounding
Chapter 4 - Balancing & Filtering
All Sections
All Sections

Session 7 Chapter 5 - Passive Components
All Sections
Session 8 Instructor provided material on Antennas

Session 9 Chapter 6 - Shielding
Sections 6.1-6.10 & 6.18
Session 10 Chapter 7 - Contact Protection
Chapter 10 - Digital Circuit Grounding
All Sections
Sections 10.1 - 10.5.4

Session 11 Chapter 11 - Digital Circuit Power Distribution
Sections 11.1-11.3, 11.5, 11.7-11.9
Session 12 Chapter 11 (continued)

Session 13
Chapter 12 - Digital Circuit Radiation
Chapter 13 - Conducted Emissions
Chapter 14 - RF and Transient Immunity
All Sections
Sections 13.1-13.4
All Sections

Session 14
Chapter 15 - Electrostatic Discharge
Chapter 16 - PCB Layout & Stackup
Chapter 17 - Mixed Signal PCB Layout
Sections 15.1-15.5
Section 16.4
Sections 17.1, 17.3, 17.4

Adapted from the course syllabus for ECE 319 - Electromagnetic Compatibility, Section I developed by Mark Steffka at the University of Michigan-Dearborn

Equipment for Setting up a Simple, Inexpensive EMC Lab

Assuming an oscilloscope is available, a minimal EMC Lab can be set up with the following additional equipment.Simple EMC Lab Equipment

Spectrum Analyzer: Rigol DSA 815-TG Spectrum Analyzer (9 kHz to 1. 5 GHz), $1,500. The $600 EMI option is not required. (http://www.rigolna.com/products/spectrum-analyzers/dsa800/dsa815-tg/)

Clamp-On Current Probe: Fischer Custom Communications F-33-1, $1,200, for measuring common-mode currents on cables. (http://www.fischercc.com/productfiles/DS%20F-33-1%20Rev--RLSE_2a5d.pdf)

Magnetic Field Loop Probes: Beehive Electronics Model 100A for measuring magnetic fields in the vicinity of PCBs, and Model 100C for measuring leakage at the seams of shielded enclosures, $100 each. (http://beehive-electronics.com/datasheets/100SeriesDatasheetCurrent.pdf)

If conducted emissions on the ac power line are to be measured then a Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN) is needed: Solar Electronics Type 8012-50-R-24-BNC Dual LISN, ~$800. (http://www.ramayes.com/Data%20Files/Solar/8012.pdf)

In addition, a couple hundred dollars of miscellaneous cables and adaptors will probably be required.

The total cost for the basic lab is slightly over $3,000, and if the capability to measure conducted emissions on the ac power line is to be added, the total cost still comes to under $5,000.


EMC Lab Experiments

EMCS Magazine cover

IEEE EMC Society University Grant Program

"The Electromagnetic Compatibility Society (EMCS) of the IEEE annually searches for a University or College to assist in adding EMC to their curriculum. We are looking for a University or College that does not now include EMC in their offering, but that has an interest in doing so. The objective of this program is to expose the maximum number of students to the study of the basics of EMC. "

Click here to learn more about this program

Other Resources

EMC Experiments and Demonstrations Guide
Revised May 2015

IEEE EMC Society EMC Education Manual
Suggested Course outline begins on p. 5
Experiments and Demonstrations in Electromagnetic Compatiblity begins on p. 13

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Henry Ott Consultants
48 Baker Road, Livingston, NJ 07039
Phone: 973-992-1793, Fax: 973-533-1442
email: hott@ieee.org

May 27, 2016 (jw)