Index of Updates
January 2013: pp. 160, 188, 191, 198, 719. February 2013: pp. 229, 328, 555. March 2013: pp. 20, 26, 793-794. |
Some of these errors have been corrected in Printings 2 and later If you are aware of any errors or typos please bring them to my attention and I will include them here.
Page xxiv, first line. The phrase: "Part 1, EMC Theory and includes" should read, "Part 1, EMC Theory, includes." Page 12, Table 1-3. The heading of the second column "Class A Limits (uV/m)," should be "Class A Limits (dB uV/m)." Page 20, first paragraph. “The ITE and ISM standards can be accessed from the Industry Canada home page by following the following links: A-Z Index/Spectrum Management and Telecommunications/Official Publications/Standards/Interference-Causing Equipment Standards (ICES). The telecom standard can be accessed from the Industry Canada home page by following the following links: A-Z Index/Spectrum Management and Telecommunications/Official Publications/Standards/Terminal Equipment-Technical Specifications List.” should read: “The ITE and ISM standards can be accessed from the Industry Canada Spectrum Management and Telecommunications page (www.ic.gc.ca/spectrum) by following these links in the sidebar: Official Publications/Standards/Interference-Causing Equipment Standards (ICES). The telecom standard can be accessed from the Industry Canada Spectrum Management and Telecommunications page (www.ic.gc.ca/spectrum) by following these links in the sidebar: Official Publications/Standards/Terminal Equipment-Technical Specifications List.” Page 21, Fig. 1-5. The solid line labels should be reversed. The top solid line should be "FCC A." and the bottom solid line should be "FCC B." Page 21, last sentence. “Table 1-9 is a composite worst-case” should be “Table 1-9 is a simplified, composite worst-case.” Page 22, Table 1-9 caption. “Composite Worst-Case” should read “Simplified, Composite Worst-Case.” Page 26, first paragraph third line. "(ITC) or CISPR standards - ITC for immunity standards" should read "(IEC) or CISPR standards - IEC for immunity standards" Page 53, Eq. 2-13. The term "M (di1/dl)" should be M (di1/dt). Page 62, Table 2-1 title. "Sheild" should be "Shield." Page 64, Fig. 2-18 caption. "(MS2 is much larger than M12 or M1S)" should be, "(MS2 is much larger than M12 or M1S)" Page 64, Fig. 2-18. "VN = jwM12I1 - jwM12I1" should read, "VN = jwM12I1 - jwMs2Is" [Where "w" is the Greek letter omega] Page 69, Section 2.8, 3rd line down. "current induced into the shield Because the" should be "current induced into the shield. Because the" Page 75, third sentence in the third paragraph. "1mHz" should be "1MHz." Page 98, third bullet. "100 MHZ" should be "100 MHz." Page 103, first item in the REFERENCES. "AES28-2005" should be "AES48-2005." Page 121, second paragraph, 4th line. Change "a straight length of 24-gauge wire," to "a straight, 1-ft length of 24-gauge wire." Page 151, last paragraph, second sentence. "a singe term" should be "a single turn." Page 153, Fig. 3-45, change "INTRODUCTION" to "INDUCTANCE." Page 160, Eq. 4-4. "VN 1" should be "VN 2" Page 164, Eq. 4-9. Add a “(“ prior to the first RL in the numerator. Page 169, first sentence after Eq. 4-18. “from Eq. 4-18a” should be “from Eq. 4-18.” Page 169, first sentence after Eq. 4-19. with Eq. 4-18a” should be with Eq. 4-18.” Page 171, first sentence of last paragraph. “Eq. 4-18a” should be “Eq. 4-18.” Page 171, next to last line. “Eq. 4-18a” should be “Eq. 4-18.” Page 185, Figure 4-19, vertical axis. "RATION" should be "RATIO." Page 188, second paragraph, last line. "(1971, pp. 2191-222)." should be "(1971, pp. 219-222)." Page 191, Problem 4.7. "k Rf" should be "k Rf" [where the "f" is a non-italicized subscript] Page 198, footnote. "Wilmungton, DE." should be "Wilmington, DE." Page 200, Table 5-2 title. "Caramic" should be "Ceramic." Page 200, Table 5-2. The column heading "Self-Resonant Frequency," should be "Self-Resonant Frequency (MHz)." Page 200, Table 5-2. The heading for column two should be "1/4-in Leads" not "1/2-in Leads." Page 212, 6th line from the top of the page. “(see Fig. P5.7)” should be “(see Fig. P5-7).” Page 215, second paragraph. “greater than 1/10 of a wavelength” should be “greater than 1/10th of a wavelength” and “when the signals rise time” should be “when the signal’s rise time.” Page 229, Figure 5-26. "L-filter" should be "L-C filter". Page 229, last paragraph, second line. "low-pass R-C filter" should be "low-pass L-C filter". Page 229, last paragraph, fourth line. "ferrites used are resistive at the oscillator frequency." should be "ferrites used are inductive at the oscillator frequency." Page 233, fifth bullet. "then are air core" should be "than are air core." Page 236, Problem 5.18. "a. A transmission line has ... ..." should be changed to "A transmission line has ... ..." Page 236, Problem 5.18. "b. What is the characteristic impedence ... ..." should be changed to "a. What is the characteristic impedence ... ..." Page 236, Problem 5.18. "c. What will be the phase shift ... ..." should be changed to "b. What will be the phase shift ... ..." Page 237, first reference. "Signal Integrin–Simplified" should be "Signal Integrity–Simplified." Page 250, the sentence above Eq. 6-16. “The transmitted wave E1 (H1)” should be “The transmitted wave Et (Ht).” Page 250, Eq. 6-16. “E1 =” should be “Et =” Page 251, Fig. 6-11, inside the SHIELD. "H1 [(2Z1)/Z1 + Z2)]H0" should be "H1 = [(2Z1)/Z1 + Z2)]H0" Page 256, 2nd line. "Equation 6-29b and the plot in Fig. 6-12" should read "Equation 6-29b and the plot in Fig. 6-13" Page 259, 2nd line from bottom of 1st paragraph, change "in" to "is." Page 266, last paragraph, first sentence. "effectiveness or solid: should be "effectiveness of solid." Page 272, second paragraph. "based on Eq. 6-33 should be "based on Eq. 6-34." Page 276, 9th line down. “168 Ω” should be “168 hours.” Page 277, first sentence in Section 6.10.3. The word "complicate" should be "complicated." Page 289, first sentence in Section 6.14.3. The wotd "mess" should be "mesh." Page 294, second paragraph, fourth sentence. The word "buy" should be "but." Page 294, third paragraph, second sentence. "Fig. 16-13" should be "Fig. 16-17." Page 311, Figure 7-8 title, first word. The word "Contad" should be "Contact." Page 313, 3rd paragraph, 4th line. "this way, however, causes" should be "this way, however, may cause" Page 313, footnote. “If sufficient current is how available,” should be “If sufficient current is now available,” Page 325, fifth sentence. "0,9 µF should be "0.9 µF." Page 327, REFERENCES. “Arlindton, V.A.” should be “Arlington, VA” Page 328, Eq. 8-1. "4KTBR" should read "4kTBR" [where the "k" is lower case]. Page 328, Eq. 8-1. "K = Boltzmann's constant" should be "k = Boltzmann's constant" [where the "k" is lower case]. Page 340, Figure 8-12 caption. Change "IC operatic-amplifier" to "IC operational amplifier." Page 343, 2nd to last bullet. “active” should be “octave” Page 358, Fig. 9-7. “Rs FOR MAXIMUM NOISE FACTOR’ should be "Rs FOR MINIMUM NOISE FACTOR” Page 387, last line of next to last paragraph. “radius of each conductors” should be “radius of each conductor" Page 389, 3rd paragraph, 1st line. “a fairly course grid” should be “a fairly coarse grid” Page 397, Eq. (10-17b). The denominator of the first exponential term "h1+ 2" should read "h1+h2." Page 402, 10th line from the top. "40 ma of" should be "40 mA of." Page 403, 4th. line from the top. Change the phrase: "increased compare slightly to" to "increased slightly compared to." Page 405, 5th line. “trace width increased the inductance” should be “ trace width decreased the inductance.” Page 411, last line. “advantages” should be “advantageous.” Page 430, Table 11-1, caption. "First Five Harmonics" should read "First Six Harmonics." Page 450, Fig. 11-19, footnote in figure. "EMBEDDED CAPACITNCE LAYERS," should read "EMBEDDED CAPACITANCE LAYERS." Page 451, 2nd paragraph from bottom, first line. "replacing four of the original," should read "adding back four of the original." Page 457, 4th paragraph from the bottom, 3rd line from the bottom. "a 0602 capacitor," should read "a 0603 capacitor." Page 469, second line. Change "[(tr + t0)/T]" to "(t0/T)." Page 472, 1st paragraph, 4th line. “(which are most the loops)” should be “(which are most of the loops).” Page 473, second paragraph, second sentence. "A many other" should be "Many other." Page 480, sentence after Equation 12-9b. "we see observe that" should be "we observe that." Page 483, figure caption. “The affect of” should be “the effect of.” Page 486, Figure 12-15, text in figure. "(RETURN IN GROUND PLACE)' SHOULD BE "(RETURN IN GROUND PLANE)." Page 489, seventh bullet. "fail radiate emission" should be "fail radiated emission." Page 500, first line in third paragraph. "the Fourier spectrum (Eq. 15-2)," should read "the Fourier spectrum (Eq. 12-5)." Page 506, first sentence after Equation 13-8. "RF//2πLF" should be "RF/2πLF" Page 513, second paragraph, fifth line. "1 Ω" should be "1 MΩ." Page 518, last paragraph, fourth line. "screwed of riveted" should be "screwed or riveted." Page 519, Figure 13-23. "FILTER CASE BONOGO TO ENCLOSURE" should be "FILTER CASE BONDED TO ENCLOSURE." Page 521, fourth paragraph, sixth line. "can ranges from" should be "can range from." Page 539, third paragraph, first sentence. "PFC corrector inductor" should be "PFC inductor" Page 545, first paragraph, seventh line. "electro static" should be "electrostatic." Page 547, third line after Equation 14-1. "120 π (377 Ω)" should be "120 π (377) Ω." Page 555, first paragraph, fifth row. "(see Section 2.1.5)" should be "(see Section 2.15.1)". Page 564, 1st line, 1st word. “produces” should be “produced.” Page 564, last paragraph, 1st line. “100 Mb/s” should be “100 MB/s.” Page 565, 1st line. “two slow” should be “too slow.” Page 570, last paragraph, 3rd line. “the resistors causes the” should be “the resistors cause the.” Page 590, next to last paragraph. “we see observe that” should be “we observe that.” Page 600, Table 15-5, last line. "360º (no connector)" should be "360º contact (no connector)." Page 610, Fig. 15-21. “r” should be “D.” Page 614, 3rd paragraph from bottom, next to last line. “2 of 3” should be “2 or 3.” Page 616, 5th paragraph, 6th line. “different numbers w will give” should be “different numbers w that will give.” Page 626, Section 16.3, 2nd paragraph, second to last line. "(see Section 3-2)" should read "(see Section 3.2)." Page 651, Section last paragraph, 3rd line from the bottom. “a split planes” should read “a split plane.” Page 654, Table 16-2, 3rd line from the bottom in the Planes column. Change number of planes from "4" to "6." Page 656, next to last bullet, 2nd line. ”should take precedent” should be “should take precedence.” Page 687, first item under FURTHER READING. ""Closes-Form" should be "Closed-Form." Page 707, Fig. 18-18. Revise the portion of the figure associated with the double pole switch as shown below. (Delete two short lines, and two dots). ![]() Page 713, 2nd paragraph, 2nd line. “any reflected surfaces” should be “any reflecting surfaces.” Page 719, fourth line from top, "90 dB µV/m (0.03 µV)" should read "90 dB µV/m (0.03 V/m)." Page 721, Fig. 18-27. In the figure, "EUT SINGLE CABLE" should be "EUT SIGNAL CABLE." Page 722, last paragraph, second line. "(a resemble assumption)' should be "(a reasonable assumption)." Page 725, Section 18.11.2, fourth line. Change, "This cannot easily be performed as be as a precompliance test," to "This cannot easily be performed as a precompliance test." Page 727, next to last paragraph, 4th line. “product at can produce” should be “product can produce.” Page 727, last paragraph, 1st line. “variability’s” should be “variabilities.” Page 728, twelfth bullet, 3rd line. "Citizen'sBand" should be "Citizen's Band." Page 728, twelfth bullet, 3rd line. 'Dremel" should be "Dremel®." Page 728, last bullet. "barbeque" should be "barbecue." Page 729, seventh bullet. "Radiate emission" should be "Radiated emission." Page 731, 1st and 2nd lines above "FURTHER READING." "http://emcesd.com/1ghzprob.htm" should be "http://www.emcesd.com/1ghzprob.htm" Page 731, 5th line from the bottom of the page. "Kimme Gertes Associates," should be "Kimmel Gerke Associates." Page 761, third paragraph, sixth line. "originally" should be "original." Page 783, last paragraph, last sentence. "The belanced" should be "The balanced." Pages 793 & 794. Problem numbers 2-1 to 2-9, should read 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.9 Page 793, Problem 2.3, bottom figure, vertical axis. "CN2/VN1" should be "VN2/VN1." Page 806, Problem 9.2b. "FEF:" should be "FET:" Page 818, Problem 15.6. a. 1.4 pF should read, a. 0.7 pF. b. 169 pF should read, b. 84.6 pF. Page 822, 6th line from the bottom of the page. "Problem 18," should be "Problem 18.1."
Henry Ott Consultants 48 Baker Road, Livingston, NJ 07039 Phone: 973-992-1793, Fax: 973-533-1442 email: hott@ieee.org March 20, 2013 (jw) |